But I haven’t been completely negligent of my duties of informing the public on my stance on…whatever. Just last night I was on Talk Dat Ish radio, where we went into the world of skinny jeans….for men. Yes, men. Picture below is an example:
Credit: who knows (or cares), but the photographer is probably wearing something just as fabulous...
To my surprise, we discussed the subject of whether or not this was cool on the show last night, and I wanted to give the topic a fair chance, but it became deeper as we got into sexuality. Frankly, I guess I’ve been raised where these things aren’t really questioned (sexuality) to a degree of what one is wearing…it’s more about HOW it’s being worn.
For example, I understood why I saw a man's boxers when he wore baggy jeans. But when did that become OK for skinny ones? Logistically, I didn’t think it was possible, but somehow, out comes a little ass…and so not cute boys. Yes, boys wear their asses out in little jeans, because mommy didn’t give them a belt that day. Men buy a belt and pull their freaking pants up. And don't get my mother started on that one, I often have to remind her I can't beat everyone's ass after she points at them and hits me on the arm asking "Why?"
A friend circulated this fuckery picture amongst her cohorts, and one of the people on the e-mail chain happened to know one of these Ringling Brothers personally, and let the chain know that one of them “was his boys…” I don’t know, I don’t claim circus acts. I respect expression and color, but these styles will make us question the state of who you are as well as your mental capacity, and I personally don’t want to date a man who wants to wear my jeans too…I mean, that’s what we pretty much concluded with on the show last night…and you can listen to as much as you can take of us here.
I also must admit I haven’t been much of a blog whore as I normally am, so I don’t have much to report. I did watch the Superbowl, and OK….next. Steelers won, whoopee. Honestly, I fell asleep during Springsteen, and woke up with 3 minutes left on the clock…good game.
The commercials I saw were also weak, but apparently they pulled the big dogs during my brief slumber. Here is one of my favorites from that bunch:
What else…oh, 50 needs to stop. Seriously. I think I am going to have to write a letter to him. Maybe Thursday…
Gossip Girl was weak this week, so it’s getting no play on this here post. I still think Chuck Bass needs to watch out if I see him on the street, but in the meantime, thumbs down to Monday’s episode.
The City got pretty interesting, as Kelly Cutthrone pretty much let us know she also hates skinny bitches as much as Mo’Nique does, or did, now that’s she’s lost quite a bit of weight (fabulous at any size but no more Essence covers please).
Daddy’s Girls…I think I am going to start a petition to put them on Nickelodeon, or BET…they are so sweet and squeaky clean that coming after The City is a huge set up…considering the type of viewer who likes the raciness of The City, versus the carryover to then watch Daddy’s Girls. I am seeing two viewers…can’t wait to see what Nielsen says. As a black popular culture analyst, I see this as a way to not be able to bring this show back…why 10:30? Something is not right about that, but I want to be mistaken…oh, and this whole Licensing issue doesn’t help for season 2:

Credit: RWS
…um, who’s fired here? Ironically, I went to a Johnny Cupcakes party back in 2005 for a friend who’s party was being sponsored by dude who owns Johnny C…he’s definitely no stranger to the indie clothing brands out there, and I hope the case is tight…wouldn’t want to see the ladies suffer for what seems to be a huge oversight, to be nice…it’s clear that folks are not designing their own clothes, but when walked down this type of path, you have to be careful. I am on your side ladies, even though I wasn’t invited to any parties for your show. Black Daria will look for future invites.
OK, I think that’s all for now. I am going to go catch up on some much needed gossip site reading, and get my blogroll on…check out some of mine on the right when you feel like being entertained.
Black Daria
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