Photo: Jacked from a fan site, courtesy of Google.com
Why did I pick this picture, you ask? Because I refuse to post pictures of this guy looking like ALF's cousin. If you weren't down with Alf in the late 80s, you are fired from popular culture.

Photo: Jacked from someone's Myspace page
Had to post this, just for kicks.
Yesterday, I gave you some tidbits regarding his health being at a dire low, with speculations from some guy Ian Haperlin (in case you feel googly all over) unauthorized autobiography of his life...because we need to know even more about Michael Jackson than we already know.
I am on the fence with whether I will use this space as a place to bash celebrities...I mean, I work for celebrities to a degree...hell, my sister is a celebrity (even if she's on some people's d-lists, but look what it did for Kathy Griffin). Uh oh, digressing from my point, I tend to do that, it's a Morgendorffer thing...
A few questions after reading this clip (thanks Reuters):
1. Who is Dr. Tohme Tohme, and why would you go see a man who has the same name twice?
2. Who is really qualified to be Michael's doctor? I mean, think about it...
3. LOL at the marketing firm handling this whole affair...I think that's funny, et vous?
I have other questions, but you know, I think Michael Jackson is about as exhausting as it's going to be to return my fabulous too-big shoes back to Macy's today...yeah, I shop there too.

Photo: Getty Images
For all of my friends who are obsessed with the Hills, I've been informed by my wonderful gossip section of my local hometown paper that the Speidi union didn't take place (thanks for the info two days later...we already knew they didn't get married).
Oh, but there was some interesting feedback, like how "official" was this wedding really...um, how fucking official can a reality television wedding be? What the hell were people expecting to see?
Anyway, there was this fabulous party to celebrate the finale, and somehow the producers forgot to invite me...oh well, maybe they will invite me to the finale of Daddy's Girls, since they are black like me.

Photo: MTV.com
Well, I'd love to stay and chat with you more, but I am starving and mom's collard greens and mac and cheese are calling me home...
So that no one's offended...Happy Holidays to all of my 5 readers. For Christmas, I asked Santa for more readers by the end of the year...lol, sike. Black Daria knows who Santa is...
Black Daria ;/
I agree!...and thanks ;)
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