Sup my peoples. I've been notified that you were conveniently "unavailable" for the 25th anniversary of the "We Are The World" for Haiti recording.
Note: For the record, please scan for those whom made it to this..."thing."
Now, I know what you're about to response is to "shut the fuck up and listen."
Now, for a little history sake, just would like you to know something, as I can tell some of you skipped a few classes in middle school..and you additionally weren't paying attention to popular culture.
Michael Jackson singlehandedly saved MTVs ass. Yes, ONE VIDEO. Followed by others, of course. When launched in August 1981, MTV showed promise to be a destination for all things music.
But there was a problem...
And that problem was that the radio dial had many stations. Not everyone was into Rock post-disco era...this "Pop" thing was making a rise. And the customer was most important at that time. MTV was a baby as far as pay-for-tv services were concerned.
I'm sure Jay you can relate...cable was JUST being installed in my neighborhood of Crown Heights in the early the 80s, our demo was an afterthought.
Until MJ...he paved the way for "different" music.
Because of MJ, many other types of music essentially landed on the channel, and shows like "Yo MTV Raps" were created.
Let's add onto this: as a humanitarian, no one has come close to MJ. He selflessly gave back to those who needed it most, and was happy to bring joy to anyone's life, even though he could never have the peace we earned as human beings.
So I ask, what EXACTLY is your fucking excuse? You didn't get it? Wanna show MJ up? You'll have to do alot to get to that status, I don't give a flying ringding fignooty (my mother made that up) what you've done "since MJ"...with your generation/s (yeah, Jay makes it so) especially, there would be no "you" without MJ.
You're fucking ridiculous.
Black Daria ;/
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