I'm not sure if I've ever, since starting this blog back in December, remember if I've written for seven days straight on my blog. I have plenty of excuses...I respect writing, and I don't think just posting a few pics with a couple lines that are not really saying much helpful...I'd like to think I respect the Blogosphere a bit more than that...
If I really told you what's happened in my life in the last 7 days, you'd probably ask me some questions I don't really feel like answering right now...so I am just not going to go there, to spare you the bullshit details that often block my abilities to write everyday.
Call it lack of motivation, but it was a couple of Facebook posts today that really got me to thinking about how all I have is ME...and this blog...and 11 followers (to date).
Remembering a few of my goals, I assume that at this point, the best thing for me to do to really do this shit is to write for 7 days straight. I think it was in my Marketing Management class where we discussed it taking at least 21 days to fall into a daily routine and make it habitual...I am going for 7 because I know myself...I don't think I'm ready for a 30-day challenge...I mean it's not Bikram Yoga, just saying...
This train never ceases to amaze me as being the shittiest train line in New York...I am sure trains that even locals don't ride, like the G train (no offense, but your problems are on a different scale) however, the fact that some asshole (or a couple, depending on who tells the story) want to raise fares to $2.50 is no less short of preposterous. I wonder if they know that a lot of people's paychecks are not reinbursing for this friendly thing called inflation.
I'd also like to state that I don't know why, but it amazes me to no end how people like to sit on two seats instead of one, just to be able to not have to sit next to someone...isn't that why people take taxis? I generally reserve the taxi comment for people who, on a crowded train, think you shouldn't get close to them...do you think I want to smell your hot coffee breath that's marinated for two hours before your Lox Onion bagel? People like the man in Blue/Purple sweater I'd love to smack and then be able to get away with it...ridiculous.

Source: Sorry, don't remember what I typed in Google images to get this flick, hopefully dude won't sue me.
David Patterson and these clowns all need to ride the trains for a week to get a glimpse into the life...are you telling me the money has just evaporated into the air, yet I am the one to be responsible...Obama, can you spare a dime on this one? I've given up many civil liberties, but this one really kicks me a little too far up my ass.
If you're offended by the multiple curse words, you know I don't give a shit right? OK, good.
Have a happy train ride.
Black Daria
looking forward to 6 more days of this...hilarious and yet so real.
Hey, don't know if you track this far back. Stumbled via via on your blog, found it amusing esp. this lil piece about ppl taking up two seats. What I enjoy to do is go to double seat occupiers (usually ppl with bags or legs over another seat in the bus in my case) and tell them I want to sit there. I don't ask it, I tell them. And if they are about to complain I'd ask them for their double ticket. I paid for my seat, so I will be demanding my seat haha.
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