Well, as a person whose been fired a few times (I know, shocking) I can tell you that it's probably better they do it on a Monday. Per my background in e-recruiting (before I found my long lost sister, Daria) a candidate has hope if the firing happens on a Monday, as it thus increases a chance for a lead to a new opportunity that week.
Of course we said shit like this when dot-coms were going out of style, but nobody quite knew for certain until we were sold to this larger company, and well, you know the rest. But I actually was never fired from that dot com, so I can't say bad things about my experiences there.
Know that most firings are usually unjustified, and happen for the following reasons:
1. You've pissed you're boss off.
2. You've pissed your boss's boss off.
3. You've cost said company too much money, and you're now more of a liability than an asset.
For Charlemagne Tha God, I believe all of the above happened. You can click here to hear the initial interview. It's been said that the mighty wizard of J-Oz or something made a call. All really good press for Jay, keeping him out there as that dude to be feared. Or something.
Of course, the media whore that I am allows me to see past the tomfoolery, and get to the point.
So here we go.

Cthagod (thanks Google)
I received the "bat-text." I then, (like 200+ other people probably asked at the same time if it were true) sent him a tweet. I guess it was because I had high hopes for @cthagod, especially having known him a few years back when he was still Wendy's sidekick and I was texting him, begging him not to tell her my name as she talked shit about me for repping "nobodies." You'll have to go in the archives to find that one. I'm sure he's not gotten too big for his bridges to remember that moment.
No response to my tweet, so I finally decided to just grow up and click on the page, where I saw the tweet. And that's that. The most talked about interview last week somehow equalled someone getting fired.
For the record, that wasn't the explanation. The station decided to "go in a different direction..." It's the classic legal way of firing someone without liability because they can't tell you that you're a jerk-off, or someone else from a different place needs your job more than you do. At least, that's Corporate America. Or something.
Below is an example of how to conduct an interview that isn't airing on a corporate-owned network. Keyword in the sentence is corporate.
You know, I have a whole bunch of things to say about this, but I'll let you all do that. Thank Rhymes With Snitch for today's contribution of this fuckery we all love so much.
Black Daria ;/
P.S. Did Beanie mention the name Karleen? Isn't that Diddy's current assistant, young lady who appears in the new episodes of I Wanna Work For Diddy 2? He yells her name but really is joking, for those whom watched it tonight, or you can catch it somewhere online. Could be a coincidence...could be nothing at all. Hmmm...
No response to my tweet, so I finally decided to just grow up and click on the page, where I saw the tweet. And that's that. The most talked about interview last week somehow equalled someone getting fired.
For the record, that wasn't the explanation. The station decided to "go in a different direction..." It's the classic legal way of firing someone without liability because they can't tell you that you're a jerk-off, or someone else from a different place needs your job more than you do. At least, that's Corporate America. Or something.
Below is an example of how to conduct an interview that isn't airing on a corporate-owned network. Keyword in the sentence is corporate.
You know, I have a whole bunch of things to say about this, but I'll let you all do that. Thank Rhymes With Snitch for today's contribution of this fuckery we all love so much.
Black Daria ;/
P.S. Did Beanie mention the name Karleen? Isn't that Diddy's current assistant, young lady who appears in the new episodes of I Wanna Work For Diddy 2? He yells her name but really is joking, for those whom watched it tonight, or you can catch it somewhere online. Could be a coincidence...could be nothing at all. Hmmm...
See, I'm torn here. As a journalist I must say, I wouldn't remember her or her name if you put a gun to my head and threatened to blow....its a double edged sword....
I think as a journalist, it's my responsibility to tell the truth as i know it based on my research. i think my plug about Karleen was to be funny, but after doing my research, the "Karleen" he refers to is a different one...had I not watched the show that night as I was writing this, I wouldn't have thought twice about it.
Bottom line is I don't live in fear. We all have a higher authority to answer to...I've never been into fraternity or sorority life, and as a friend pointed out to me just yesterday, that's exactly what the entertainment industry is...
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