Source: Web
Dearest Fantasia:
So, I am not exactly sure what happened the day you met Antwuan, but I can imagine that he looked quite hot and sexy as he gave you the rundown on all those options for your phone plan. Makes me warm and fuzzy inside too.
Not really, I just wanted to relate for a few minutes.
Fast forward: he told you he was married, but it wasn't working out. Here's something you should know: most times when a man pursues a mistress, the prior situation is NEVER working out, even if he's happy as a pig in slop. In other words, men will say anything to have what they shouldn't have, so you fell in the trap. And I feel for you, because it happens to A LOT of women.
Somewhere along the way, there's this thing called PRIDE. It's followed by FAITH. These two words are tricky, because they are considered nouns. They also aren't things we can see, just words to live by...and at some point, we are put to the test.
The problem here is the sloppiness. Pics of you canoodling with him, the tattoo you got on your neck (even the Lord won't be able to explain that, ladies should never get tattoos on their necks) and other ways you decided to tell the world you were in love, are just stories we aren't ready as the general public to hear. No one is a big fan of a woman looking as if she's in between being desperate and leans towards homewrecker.
I know these are things you should not have to worry about, but unfortunately, when the world decides you are a celebrity, it makes you have to be a tad more on point with the details. Not sure if I will watch your show, but we all know this news will make your next season "Must See TV" so I will keep an eye out for the train wreck, and hope that you get some help along this process.
Black Daria ;/
P.S. Doesn't the way he spell his name just make you want to say NO?
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