Source: Web
Dear Bow Wow:
Congratulations. Your tweets have officially made me more depressed than I get watching the many anti-depressant commercials I watch on a daily basis. I'm trying to figure out something:
1. If you want to go to school, why can't you just go? Could have sworn I read an interview where you said you wanted to Harvard someday...so...what's the issue? You certainly have enough money to pay for the application.
2. Why haven't you gotten a therapist yet? You can afford that too.
3. What are you hoping to achieve by telling your followers on Twitter that you hate yourself?
I honestly just don't really understand. As a person who's had "regular jobs" trust me, it's less than desirable. Although I understand your problems, I just can't muster up enough strength to be sympathetic to your problems or issues. You've officially pissed me off.
Man up, this is bitchy looking, and just a very "drama queen" move. Even I don't have my worst days documented on Facebook or Twitter for a reason.
Sometimes, it's just too much information.
Black Daria ;/
Well his PR stunt didn't work this time he lost over 300,000 plus Twitter followers from over 700,000 with this BS. Now he can kill himself.
Plus he just did an interview with a blog and said he didn't mean it and it backfired on him.
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