VIP Section & DJ S&S - Photo Credit: Black Daria PhotosFor those of you who aren't familiar, going out on a Monday or Tuesday night is traditional fanfare in NYC for the 'Industry' people. It's my personal belief that the history of this spans back to the late '90's, when industry types decided that they didn't feel comfortable hanging out with 'regulars' on Fridays. That's when most of America gets paid, and likely wants to take that 10% of their check to a bar as opposed to their savings account.
Since Industry people are never broke (HA!), they get together on days when they get paid, which is everyday. It's referred to as the Freelancer life. Very anti-Corporate.
Lucky Strike served as an interesting venue to hold an art/magazine event, but the chance to see the host, Swizz Beats, post-marriage made the task of going a tad worthy.
Not really, I was looking for a good party.
Walking in, I felt a tad confused. It was clear that between the industry folks and the people who got lucky (no pun intended) to know someone to get in, everyone was there for the free Ciroc. I mean, isn't that the reason why EVERYONE goes to these parties, to save 35-50 dollars on drinks?
I digress. I never got to see Swizz or Mary J. Blige, but I can confirm that it was Mary who actually got the party started two hours after it began. In the VIP section, many folks (couldn't tell you who people getting their pics taken were because there wasn't anyone formally announcing names on the red carpet in front, I stood on the other side of it for about 30 min) gathered to hear S&S spin the Mary Classics, and I personally got claustrophobic and left before the Fire Department showed up...the room was definitely over capacity. DJ Kalkutta should be commended for holding things down in the room I'd like to refer to as "people who aren't invited to VIP, but we still want you here to make this event look good" room.
I did get to stop and take a few flicks before I left VIP of these interesting Bookbags, painted by some of the artists featured in the issue.

Photo Credit: Black Daria Photos
Personally, the Wasted Talent bag is the one I would carry. It's very Black Daria thinking.
Like every good art party, you gotta throw up your tag to represent. See below.

Photo Credit: Black Daria Photos
Black Daria ;/